All students at Tarneit Rise Primary School are involved in a transition program that allows them to experience the next level of their education.
Prep transition is an opportunity for curious kinder children to spend approximately 4 sessions, starting from 1 hour to half a day, in a prep classroom in preparation for their first year at school. Parents of prep children are also invited to attend Information evenings and parent programs run by staff at the school, which complement their child’s entry into primary school education.
Tarneit Rise Primary School also runs an intra-school transition program from prep-grade 5 each year. As a part of this program, children get the experience of spending time with their next year’s teacher and classmates during late term 4.
The first Tuesday in December is set aside for all grade 6 students accepted into government secondary schools to attend an Orientation Day at their new school. All new students also attend primary school on this day.
@Tarneit Rise Primary School